
Khiva is an open-air museum city

The city is located in the Kyzyl-Kum desert near the Amu Darya River. One of the legends about the origin of the city attributes its foundation to Sim, the son of Noah, who created it from a sand dune and then dug a well – “khivak”, after which the city is supposedly named. Throughout its centuries-long history, Khiva repeatedly experienced periods of decline and rise until it reached the climax of development in the XIX century. Ichan-Kala is an “inner city” (26 hectares) formed around the citadel. It is surrounded by powerful fortress walls (height -10 meters, length – 2200 meters), which are an example of medieval fortification structures. Within the walls of Ichan-Kala are enclosed almost all architectural objects of the show, which make up the historically formed appearance of the city of XVII-XIX centuries.

Historic Architectural Sites:

Khorezm region – established in 1938

Area – 6.05 thousand km 2

The administrative center is the city of Urgench (1119 km from Tashkent).

The Region is located in the northwestern part of Uzbekistan among desert spaces. The territory of the region is a lowland plain, which is the ancient delta of the Amu Darya River. Khorezm oasis is the oldest center of artificial irrigation. The Amu Darya is the only water artery whose waters are used for irrigation of gardens, cotton, rice, wheat, alfalfa, grape and melon plantations. The river has low banks on the territory of the region, so during floods the coastal zones are often waterlogged.

The sharply continental climate causes cold winters with little snow (-320C -350C) and dry hot summers (+450C).

In the lower reaches of the Amu Darya, Viloyat is the most densely populated area and the northernmost cotton-growing area in the world.

The economic activity of the region is focused on agro-industrial direction

The basis of the agricultural sector is cotton growing, the yield indicator is the highest in the country (early maturing, medium-fiber cotton varieties prevail). The leading position in rice growing and rice harvesting in Uzbekistan is also occupied by Khorezm Province. Heat-resistant seed alfalfa grown on this land is known far beyond the country’s borders. Meat and dairy cattle breeding, caracoule breeding, poultry farming are widely developed.

The industry is specialized on cotton processing, machine building, flour-milling, food, light industry, silk growing, carpet weaving.

In the subsoil of the region there are only deposits of components for building materials.

Higher educational institutions are represented by the state university, branches of Tashkent Medical Institute and Tashkent Economic University.

On the left bank of the Amu Darya in the X century on the territory of ancient Khorezm, a small fortress – Urgench – was built near a trading kishlak (village). Gradually growing, the city acquired the status of the capital, where goods delivered by the Amu Darya and the Aral Sea were brought and agricultural products were exported by the same trade routes. As a result of invasion wars and internecine strife, the city was almost completely destroyed and became known as Kunya Urgench (Old Urgench – located on the territory of Turkmenistan), because in the XVIII century, 200 km from Kunya Urgench, a new city – Urgench was founded. It is crossed by the largest irrigation structure of Khorezm – one of the largest irrigation canals of Viloyat – “Shavat”.

The historical and architectural museum-reserve “Ichan-Kala” in the city of Khiva is located in the south-west of the region. The city is the center of art and crafts, and the fame of stone and wood carvers, engravers and jewelers, embroiderers on velvet and silk, carpet makers, ceramists has long since passed the limits of Viloyat and the products of skilled craftsmen are in great demand far beyond the borders of Uzbekistan. Khiva is called a tourist Mecca – a place of pilgrimage for tourists from all over the world.

Tour to Khiva. Ichan Kala – Open Air Museum located on the territory of 26 hectares.