
Termez – Southern Gate of Uzbekistan

Surkhandarya region is located in the extreme south of the Republic of Uzbekistan. It is a basin surrounded by the spurs of the Tien Shan mountain system (Gissar, Surkhantau, Babatag ridges).

The Surkhandarya River valley is an outpost of Uzbekistan: it borders with Tajikistan in the north-east, Turkmenistan in the south-west and Afghanistan in the south. The northern part of the region – the foothills – has a mild warm climate.

Subtropical fruits and sugar cane are even grown here. The central part of the valley is occupied by irrigated crops of fine-fiber cotton, corn, mungbean, sorghum and in the floodplain of the Surkhandarya River – rice. Karakul sheep graze on the slopes of uplands. The southern part of Surkhandarya is the hottest place in Uzbekistan – in summer, temperatures of +50º C are common. Here kishlaks (villages) are deprived of gardens and vineyards typical for Uzbekistan. The reason for this is the Afghani wind (from the side of Afghanistan). Its hot breath makes the leaves of plants wither and fall off in a few hours. The south of the valley is known for its oil and gas fields. From the historical point of view Surkhandarya is an archaeological paradise: caves of the Stone Age, remains of Bactrian palaces and Buddhist temples, mosques and mausoleums of the early Islamic period – everywhere traces of civilizations gone into oblivion can be seen.

The administrative center of this region is the city of Termez, the southernmost border city of the Republic of Uzbekistan. It is located on the right bank of the Amu Darya River, along which the state border with Afghanistan runs. The largest river port of the republic is located here. In 40 km from Termez stretches the railway bridge “Hairaton” (formerly called “Friendship”), connecting the two banks of the Amu Darya. It was built by Soviet builders in 1981. The length of the bridge is 816 meters. In 1996, traffic on it was closed unilaterally by Uzbekistan for the security of the state. In 20 km to the west of the present Termez on the area of 10 hectares there are settlements of “old” Termez, formed at the ancient crossing on the bank of the Amu Darya.

The foundation of the city dates back to the III-II centuries BC, when a fortification (kala’) surrounded by walls appeared. According to historians, in the IV century BC, one of the seven Alexandria built by Alexander the Great on the territory of the present Central Asia was erected here, near the crossing.

In the first centuries A.D., the ancient city expands in width, residential and industrial neighborhoods, religious complexes, in particular, large Buddhist monasteries. Buddhism penetrated here from India in the first century AD. Much earlier than it spread to China, Korea and Japan. The heyday of medieval Termez comes in X-XII centuries, when the suburbs are formed and many buildings of civil and religious architecture are erected. As a result of archaeological excavations, the remains of the palace of the rulers of Termez (XI-XII cc) were uncovered. The city perishes during the Mongol conquest in the beginning of XIII c., but is again composed to the east of the original in XV c.

museum of local lore;
Karatepe and Fayaztepe settlement (I-II cc)
Zurmala tower (II c.)
Hakimi at-Termizi complex (XI-XV cc)
Sultan-Saodat ensemble (XII-XVII cc)
Kampyrtepe citadel (IV-II cc. BC)
Kyrk – Kyz – country estate (IX-X centuries)
Khanaka – mausoleum of Kokildor (XVI c.)
trip to Jarkurgan minaret (beginning of II c. – 55 km. from Termez)

Surkhandarya region – formed in 1941.

Area – 20.1 thousand km 2

Administrative center – Termez city (708 km from Tashkent).

Historical architectural objects

  • museum of local lore;
  • Karatepe and Fayaztepe settlement (I-II cc)
  • Zurmala tower (II c.)
  • Hakimi at-Termizi complex (XI-XV cc)
  • Sultan-Saodat ensemble (XII-XVII cc)
  • Kampyrtepe citadel (IV-II cc. BC)
  • Kyrk – Kyz – country estate (IX-X centuries)
  • Khanaka – mausoleum of Kokildor (XVI c.)
  • trip to Jarkurgan minaret (beginning of II c. – 55 km. from Termez)

Surkhandarya region – formed in 1941.

Area – 20.1 thousand km 2

Administrative center – Termez city (708 km from Tashkent).

The region is located in the extreme south of Uzbekistan. It borders with Tajikistan (eastern part), Afghanistan (south) and Turkmenistan (west). Most of the territory of the region is occupied by Surkhan-Sherabad valley, which is bordered by mountain ranges: Babatag – in the east, Gissar – in the north, Baisuntau and Kugitangtau – in the west.

The relief and landscape of the region is diverse: mountains, foothill plains, river valleys. The main waterways are Amu Darya, Surkhandarya and Sherabad. There are also many small rivers.

The climate here is dry subtropical: warm, almost snowless winters (-30 C, -40 C) and hot, dry summers (+450 C). The south of the region is characterized by dry winds, especially annoying “Afghan”, which carries a lot of dust from Afghanistan.

Fertile lands in the river valleys, favorable climate, mountain forests giving abundant harvests of wild fruits and diverse fauna of wildlife, contributed to the early settlement of this territory by ancient man. In the valleys of the rivers of the Baisuntau Range the first human settlements were found in the Middle Paleolithic period – 100-40 thousand B.C. (Teshiktash grotto – in the Zauloshsay gorge). The largest number of ancient monuments on the territory of Uzbekistan is located in Surkhandarya region – it is a whole “chronicle of the ages”.

The irrigated farming system and favorable climatic conditions of Surkhan-Sherabad valley make it possible to grow here heat-loving agricultural crops: thin-fiber varieties of cotton (almost 50% of sown areas), citrus fruits, persimmons, figs, grapes, melons. This is the only district in the republic for sugar cane cultivation. The South Uzbek fruit and grape breeding station of the Schroeder Institute works here, on the territory of which unique ornamental trees are grown, whose seedlings are supplied beyond the borders of Uzbekistan.

Extensive pasture lands (mainly mountainous) allow successful development of cattle breeding, especially sheep breeding. The region is the “homeland” of Hissar sheep breed, which is unrivaled in fat and meat yield. Karakul sheep are also grown here.

The subsoil of the region is rich in minerals: oil and gas (Khavdag, Lyalmikar, Kakaidy), coal (Shargun and Baisun deposits – 2 out of three in Uzbekistan), zinc, lead, potassium and table salt, construction materials, phosphates, precious metals.

The region’s industry is mainly related to processing of raw cotton and other agricultural products. There are enterprises of oil and coal industry, experimental silk-weaving factory, factory of ceramic-artistic products, many enterprises of textile, sewing, flour-milling, dairy, winemaking industries.

Higher educational institutions of viloyat are represented by Termez State University.

On the right bank of the Amu Darya River, at the confluence of the Surkhandarya River, is the regional center – the city of Termez. The modern city was built not far from the “old” Termez – the oldest city of Uzbekistan, once flourishing and vast, but destroyed as a result of enemy invasions and internecine dynastic wars. Monuments of Buddhist culture have been preserved in the ancient city.

Termez is also the largest river port in Central Asia.

Tour to Termez for Buddhist pilgrims from different parts of the world at favorable prices from the company Al Samarkand.