Gastronomic Tour – Delicious Uzbekistan

6 days 5 nights
All year round
Maximum number of Guests - 60

Gastronomic Tour – Delicious Uzbekistan


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6 days 5 nights
All year round
Maximum number of Guests - 60



Tashkent – Samarkand – Bukhara


5 days/5 nights

Transportation types during the tour:  

high-speed train/automobile

Season:   november – march
Размещение:  single/double rooms in hotels


People going on a journey for new knowledge, experiences, get acquainted with the culture of different peoples and countries. Tourist may waive any excursions, but to eat, he will not give up ever, especially in Uzbekistan. The abundance of different varieties of fresh meat, poultry, vegetables, seasoning in fresh or dried (in each region has its own secrets of cooking the same dishes), milk products (necessarily included in a digestive menu) gives unlimited possibilities in the preparation of national Uzbek dishes . They are more than 1000 titles only.

In short, in Uzbekistan “delicious” experience await tourists at every turn, not to get lost in them will help culinary and gastronomic map.


enjoy a pleasant and appetizing journey!

The gastronomic tour starts from the capital of the Republic of Uzbekistan…

In the spurs of the Western Tien Shan stretches Tashkent oasis. The first written mention of Tashkent as a small village, dating back to the beginning of the end of the II century BC Ivv But the present name – Tashkent – is known only from the XI century. By XIV century there already existed a large feudal fortress city. Since 1930, Tashkent became the capital of the Uzbek SSR. Now it is a large modern metropolis with a population of over 2.5 million people. In Tashkent in abundance national cuisine of different countries, nations and regions of Uzbekistan, of course, but we can offer you food outlets that specialize in the preparation of certain dishes of Uzbek national cuisine.

Gastronomic tour in Samarkand

Samarkand – one of the oldest cities in the world (2750 years) – “Eden of the East”, as it was called the ancient chroniclers and poets – located on the territory of the Zarafshan River Basin ( “gold bearing”). Many wars of conquest, invasion and destruction experienced Samarkand, but again came back to life. During the reign of Amir Timur (Tamerlane – 1370-1405gg) the city became the capital of a vast empire, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, parts of India, the entire territory of the present Central Asia, as well as be in vassalage to Egypt, Syria, Turkey, Gold Horde Mogolistan (territory of present Kyrgyzstan). In Samarkand brought craftsmen and artisans from all over the state. They were free men, not slaves, so the city is still preserved the names of streets and neighborhoods where the heap settled Master holding a craft: “Silver ranks”, “Quarter Potters ‘street’ embroiderer Suzane”, “gunsmiths Quarter” . Nationality masters did not matter, they were united by trade, which they owned. Apparently so more than 100 nations and nationalities live in the modern Samarkand. How many national dishes in our city! Samarkand is considered the most “delicious” city of Uzbekistan due to the diversity of Uzbek national cuisine.

Gastronomic tour in Bukhara

The gastronomic tour will continue in the city with centuries-old history….

During its long history (2500 years) Bukhara repeatedly conquered, destroyed, lost its international importance as a center of spiritual culture of the East. But every time “Bukhara-i-Sharif” ( “Noble Bukhara”) newly restored, revived its economy, science and art, constructed new buildings. In Bukhara and its suburbs are located over 500 architectural monuments from different times and eras. It is necessary to wander through the narrow streets of the “old” town and you have the impression that the “time machine” will move you to the medieval East. Since Bukhara is an oasis in the desert of Kyzyl-Kum, there have always been problems with the drinking water, so the dish Bukhara cuisine is not very diverse. Nowadays, things have changed, but the priorities were the dishes prepared from meat of local breed of sheep desert. This is a “tandoor kebab”: large pieces of meat is placed on wooden skewers, fall in a special clay oven (tandoor) and prepared on wood coals of cooling gradually. Good-oh, extraordinary!

You need to have on the route: in summer time ofthe year

  • closed comfortable shoes thickened soles
  • hats for protection from direct sunlight,
  • sunglasses
  • sunblock
  • outer clothing made of linen or cotton material, preferably with long sleeves

Seasonality action route – all year round


The program stay on Route 1 and the last day depends on the time of arrival to the starting point of the tour and the time of departure from the destination, can therefore vary; menu of Uzbek national cuisine will be discussed with you in advance – before the tour (a lot depends on the season and your health).

The Tour Programm

Arrival in Tashkent International Airport. You will meet our representative holding a sign “AL SAMARKAND TRAVEL“.

Tourist vehicles will take you to the hotel.

Accommodation on arrival.

Next you will go to one of the restaurants in town for dinner (your preference will be stipulated in advance menu).

After breakfast our guide will invite you to the bus sightseeing tour (3-4 hours). Lunch time you will spend in one of the city’s restaurants, where dishes of national Uzbek cuisine.

After dinner you can take a walk on their own capital, or we will take you by car to the largest and oldest bazaar in Tashkent – “Chor-Su”. Free time you finish a meal in one of the restaurants in town.

Продолжение экскурсии 

Следующим объектом экскурсионного показа будет всемирно известный архитектурный ансамбль мавзолеев Шах-и-Зинда (XII-XIXвв). Более двадцати мавзолеев, мечетей, поминальных и служебных помещений являются величайшим достижением мирового зодчества. Сооружения различны по размерам, архитектуре, цвету, отделке, эпохам.

Здесь соседствуют резные кружева стен и дверей со строгими геометрическими плоскостями, почти лишенными облицовки. Яркая цветная мозаика великолепно сочетается с надписями, причудливо вписанными в орнаменты, украшающие фасады.

Один из современников писал: «Небеса – Луна и Солнце… сели на ковер раздумья и прикусили палец удивления – они никогда не видывали зданий столь изукрашенных и нарядных». От мемориального комплекса вы отправляетесь в дегустационный зал винзавода им. Филатова (образован в 1868г.) на дегустацию самаркандских сортов вин и коньяков.

Медики установили, что красные вина укрепляют стенки сосудов и сердечную мышцу, а их насыщенность витаминами и микроэлементами снижает скорость старения организма и защищает его от повышенных доз радиации.

Белые вина восстанавливают потерю микроэлементов в организме, повышают аппетит, предотвращают атеросклероз и ишемию. Великий Авиценна сказал: «Вино – наш друг, но в нем живет коварство: пьешь много – яд, немного пьешь – лекарство.

Не причиняй себе излишеством вреда, пей в меру – и продлиться жизни царство». Вот и подошло время ужина в национальном узбекском доме, куда вы и отправитесь после дегустации.

Early departure to the train / railway station to the comfortable electric train “Afrasiab”, following from Tashkent to Samarkand (2 hours 10 minutes on the way).

You will be met and tourist vehicles will transport to the hotel for accommodation on arrival. Here you already expect a guide who will be with you the whole day.


Begin your excursion into the history of the city with a visit to the tomb of Timurid dynastic – Gur Emir (1404-1405gg additional extension – the XV-XVII centuries). The mausoleum attracts the attention of a wonderful combination of proportions, a living ornament mosaic tiling and a luminous blue of the ribbed dome. Inside the Gur-Emir ( “tomb of the Emir”) is decorated with stone carvings and wood, stalactites and stained-glass windows, and the walls are covered from the bottom to the top of the inner dome luxurious blue and gold painted.

Next, your way lies to the center of the “old” city to the area of ​​the three madrasas (religious Muslim school) – Registan: Ulugbek (XV century), Sher Dor – “the Tigers wearing” (XVII) and Tillya Kari – ‘Gold-painted »(XVII ). Registan Ensemble is the hallmark of Samarkand.

There will be break for lunch, and you can follow the pedestrian street to the next excursion object – the cathedral mosque of Bibi Khanum (1399-1420gg). This building was the tallest and luxuriously decorated in the East at that time.

On it can rightly be said in words formidable Tamerlane: “If you doubt our greatness, look at our facilities.” Next to the mosque is the largest city market. This is where the exotic! You can walk through the mall, try everything, desperately bargaining, while without buying anything, get fed from the market (market visit we planned for tomorrow morning).

Continuation of the excursion

A further aspect of the show will tour the world famous architectural ensemble of the mausoleums of Shah-i-Zinda (XII-XIX centuries). More than twenty mausoleums, mosques, memorial and office space are the greatest achievement of world architecture. Facilities vary in size, architecture, color, decoration, epochs.

Here coexist lace carved walls and doors with strict geometrical planes, almost devoid of cladding. Bright color mosaic combines perfectly with the words, intricately inscribed in ornaments decorating the facade.

One of his contemporaries wrote: “The heavens – the Moon and the Sun … sat down on the carpet meditation and bit a finger surprise – they had never seen such buildings and adorned with elegant”. From the memorial you go to the tasting room of the winery them. Filatov (founded in 1868). Samarkand tasting wines and brandies.

Doctors have found that red wine strengthen the walls of blood vessels and heart muscle, and their richness in vitamins and trace elements reduces the body’s rate of aging and protects against high doses of radiation.

White wine is reduced loss of trace elements in the body, increase appetite, prevent atherosclerosis and Ishim. The great Avicenna said: “Wine – our friend, but it lives perfidy: drink a lot – a poison, a little drink – medicine.

Do not cause yourself superfluous injury Drink in moderation – and prolong the life of the kingdom. ” Now, it’s time for dinner in the national Uzbek house, where you and go after tasting.

Having had breakfast at the hotel, you go to the bazaar and then transfer to the railway station to the comfortable electric train “Afrasiab”, going from Samarkand to Bukhara (2 hours 10 minutes on the way). You will be met and tourist vehicles will transport to the hotel for accommodation on arrival.

After that, you go to dinner at one of the restaurants in town. Before dinner you still have some free time – you can wander through the middle of the “old” city, where a lot of souvenir shops and stalls with goods and souvenirs for all tastes. Dinner at one of the restaurants in town.

Завтрак в гостинице и вы отправляетесь на экскурсию по архитектурным памятникам Бухары (X-XIXвв). Вы увидите ядро древней Бухары – крепость Арк (I-XXвв); династическую усыпальницу Саманидов (конец IXв — начало Xв) – замечательный по своей красоте мавзолей.

Соотношение и чередование кирпичей, уложенных горизонтально, вертикально, под углом, отесанных в форме дисков и розеток, создают богатый архитектурный покров. Далее вы отправляетесь к архитектурному ансамблю Пои-Калян («подножие Великого»).

Это комплекс сооружений, группирующихся около самого высокого минарета Бухары – Калян (башня для созыва на молитву). Он был выстроен в 1127г. Высота его – 47м, внутри – 105 ступеней, ведущих к вершине. Справа от минарета возвышается величественное здание мечети Масджиди-Калян (XVв).

Напротив мечети находится здание медресе Мири-Араб, возведенное влиятельным шейхом (глава религиозного ордена) в 1535-36 годах. Как с внешней стороны, так и внутри здание украшено цветной мозаикой. Это действующее медресе, где юношей готовят к службе в мечетях.

Помимо Корана, они изучают и естественные науки. Отсюда автотранспорт доставит вас в загородный ресторан на обед. Продолжение экскурсии начнется с осмотра целого ряда хорошо сохранившихся закрытых торговых пассажей – тимов и купольных рыночных строений – таки: купол ювелиров – Таки-Заргарон (XVв), купол продавцов головных уборов – Тильпак-Фурушон (XVIв), купол менял – Таки-Сарафон (XVIв) и Тим Абдуллахана (XVIв) – предназначенный для продажи шелка.

В крытых пассажах города, действующих и в наши дни, можно приобрести замечательные изделия прикладного искусства, которыми исстари славилась Бухара. Пройдя немного по узким улочкам средневековой Бухары, Вы попадете к одному из самых древних источников водоснабжения города – к Ляби-Хаузу.

Воды из канала Шахрух, протекающего через весь город, не всегда хватало жителям, особенно в летнее время. Поэтому запасалась вода в примитивных небольших водоемах (хаузах) или прудах. Почти квадратный водоем Ляби-Хауза был сооружен в 1620г. Обрамляют его три монументальных здания: ханака Надира-Диван-Беги (странноприимный дом для дервишей и паломников) — 20-е годы XVIв; второе здание — медресе Кукельташ (1568-69гг) – это было одно из самых крупных медресе своего времени (160 худжр — келий); медресе Надира-Диван-Беги (1622г.).

В облицовке его преобладают стилизованно-растительные мотивы, среди которых выделяются изображения летящих фениксов. В течение столетий территория, на которой располагается хауз (водоем), с примыкающими к нему зданиями, служила местом отдыха и прогулок жителей Бухары. Эта традиция сохранилась и в наши дни. Экскурсионный день окончен. Ужин в одном из ресторанов города.

Breakfast at the hotel and you go on a tour of architectural monuments of Bukhara (X-XIX centuries). You will find the core of the ancient Bukhara – Ark Fortress (I-XX centuries); dynastic tomb of the Samanids (late IXv – beginning of X a) – remarkable for its beauty of the mausoleum.

The ratio of alternating bricks laid horizontally, vertically, at an angle, hewn in the form of discs and rosettes, creating a rich architectural cover. Then you go to the architectural ensemble Poi-Kalyan ( “Beneath the Great”).

This complex of buildings grouped around the highest minaret Bukhara – Kalon (tower for calling for prayer). It was built in 1127g. Its height – 47m, inside – 105 steps leading to the top. To the right of the minaret rises majestic building Masjid-Kalyan (XV century).

Opposite the mosque is a madrasah Miri-Arab, erected influential Sheikh (head of a religious order) in the 1535-36 years. As with the outside, and inside the building is decorated with colored mosaics. This action madrassas where young men preparing to serve in the mosques.

In addition to the Qur’an, they are learning and science. Hence transport will take you to a rustic restaurant for lunch. Continuation of the tour starts with a tour of a number of well-preserved indoor shopping arcades – TIM and domed market buildings – still: jewelers dome – Taki-Zargaron (XV century), the dome of sellers of headdresses – Tilpak-Furushon (XVI), the dome changed – Taki-Sarafon ( XVI) and Tim Abdulla (XVI) – intended for sale silk.

The covered passages of the city, acting in our days, you can buy excellent handicrafts, which from time immemorial famous Bukhara. A little on the narrow streets of medieval Bukhara, you will go to one of the most ancient sources of water supply of the city – to the Labi Hauz.

Water from the Shahrukh Canal, which flows through the city, was not always sufficient for the residents, especially in the summertime. Therefore, water is stored in the primitive small reservoirs (Hawzas) or ponds. Almost square pond Labi-House was built in 1620g. Flanked by his three monumental buildings: khanaka Nadir-Divan-Begi (a hospice for pilgrims and dervishes) – 20 years of the XVI century; the second building – madrassas Kukeltash (1568-69gg) – it was one of the biggest madrasa of his time (160 hujras – cells); Nadir-Divan-Begi (1622g.).

The wall is dominated by its stylized floral motifs, among which are the images of flying phoenixes. For centuries, the territory on which the House (pond), with the adjacent buildings, was a place of rest and walking residents of Bukhara. This tradition has survived to this day. Sightseeing day is over. Dinner at one of the restaurants in town.

After breakfast you leave to Bukhara International Airport. Your stay on the hospitable land of Uzbekistan program is completed.

We vacationed in Uzbekistan with family and friends. We booked a tour through Alsamarkand. We liked everything: both the organization and the prices. The guides were very friendly and patient and answered all our questions. We will definitely return to Uzbekistan and use the services of this company again.


I highly recommend Alsamarkand travel company. They organize unforgettable trips around Uzbekistan. I ordered a tour of Khiva, Bukhara and Samarkand from them for 7 days. The tour was very eventful; we visited all the most interesting places in these cities. Overall, I was very pleased with my trip.

Цена от $650 /человек
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