Tours to Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan: Discover the treasures of the East. Vacation prices from tour operator.


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Broad experience

Our staff are professionals who know the ins and outs of the travel business.

Wide choice

We have tours for all categories of tourists, from lovers of history and culture to lovers of outdoor activities.

Reasonable prices

You can be sure to get a quality vacation at a reasonable price.

We offer

Educational excursion programs and corporate events

About Us

Al-Samarkand is a travel agency that offers customized tours to Uzbekistan. We specialize in providing unforgettable experiences for travelers of all ages and interests.

Our tours cover everything Uzbekistan has to offer, from ancient cities and mosques to natural wonders and authentic culture. We work with experienced guides who can share their knowledge and love of the country with you.


years of experience


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Туры в Узбекистан
Туры в Узбекистан

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