Group Tour – Samarkand and Bukhara

9 дней
Круглый год
Макс. гостей: 60

Group Tour – Samarkand and Bukhara

9 дней
Круглый год
Макс. гостей: 60

Group Tour “Samarkand-Bukhara”

Route: Samarkand — Nurata (yurt camp) – Bukhara

Duration6 days/5 nights

Transportation types during the tour:  high-speed train/automobile

Season: Spring-Summer-Autumn
Accomodation: single/double rooms in hotels

Breif description about the Tour:

Tour “Samarkand – Bukhara” is created for those who wish to visit the Pearl of Uzbekistan with tour operator “AL SAMARKAND TRAVEL” and relax in exotic conditions at Lake Aidarkul. For more information please call +7 926 132 58 55.

During our route you will see not only monumental architectural constructions of different epochs, but also familiarize yourself with the history and centuries-old culture of the peoples inhabiting modern Uzbekistan. You will taste dishes of Uzbek national cuisine (the most “delicious” in the Central Asian region!). You will visit the biggest bazaar in Samarkand, where your eyes will “run away” from the abundance of oriental “delicious” vegetables and fruits, which you can try without harming your “pocket”. In the yurt camp you will be accommodated in real felt yurts, in which nomadic tribes inhabiting the region of modern Central Asia before the beginning of our era lived from time immemorial. You will bathe in the salty water of the desert lake Aidarkul, which is located among the sands of the Kyzyl-Kum desert.

Along the whole route you will be accompanied by a professional guide, who will answer all your questions and will take care of you unobtrusively.

You will travel along the route branch and in the cities in a comfortable tourist vehicle with a professional driver.

 Tour “Samarkand – Bukhara” can take place even if there are 2 people.


  • this route is valid from April 1 to October 1 (seasonality of the yurt camp);
  • maximum number of people in the group – 20 people.


For the active part of the route it is necessary to have:

  • comfortable shoes on thickened soles
  • hats for protection from direct sun rays
  • sunglasses
  • bathing suits
  • sunscreen and mosquito repellent
  • warm clothes for the evening
The Tour Programm

Arrival at Samarkand international airport. You will be met by our representative with a sign “AL-SAMARKAND”. Transfer to the hotel. Accommodation on arrival. Dinner in one of the restaurants of the city.

08-00 – завтрак в гостинице Самарканду более 2700 лет. Он был свидетелем многих исторических событий. Его стены противостояли войскам Александра Македонского (конец IV в. до н.э.), войскам Арабского Халифата (VIII в.), но был разрушен до основания ордами Чингисхана (XIII в.)  и на прежнем месте не смог возродиться.

В XIV-XV вв Самарканд становится столицей огромной империи грозного Амира Тимура (Тамерлана), который мечтал сделать его столицей мира. Сейчас это второй город по величине в Республике Узбекистан, где мирно соседствуют «седая старина» и современность. 09-00 – начало экскурсии по архитектурным памятникам XII-XX вв.:

  • мавзолей Гур-Эмир — фамильная усыпальница династии Тимуридов по мужской линии (XV в., XVII в.);
  • ансамбль Регистан — площадь трех медресе (духовные мусульманские школы): медресе Улугбека (XV в), медресе Тилля-Кари (XVII в), медресе Шер-Дор (XVII в);

13-00 до 14-00 — обед в одном из ресторанов города. Продолжение экскурсии по архитектурным памятникам:

  • ансамбль мавзолеев Шах-и-Зинда (XII-XIX вв.);
  • соборная мечеть Биби-Ханым (XV в.).

Посещение «Сиаб» базара, самого большого в городе. 19-00 — ужин в одном из ресторанов города.

08-00 – завтрак в гостинице. 08-30 — переезд автотранспортом к юртовому лагерю в пустыне Кызыл-Кум близ соленого озера Айдаркуль (210 км). Размещение в казахских юртах (войлочные палатки) по приезду.

Обед. Свободное время.

Отдых у пустынного озера Айдаркуль (5 км от расположения – вас доставят автотранспортом). Ужин. Отдых у костра. Ночевка.

08-00 – breakfast.

09-00 – departure by motor transport to Bukhara (180 km).

Bukhara is the most ancient city of Central Asia, the age of which exceeds 2.5 thousand years. The preserved architectural heritage of Bukhara is a rare combination of monuments of different epochs, characterizing the development of architectural architecture over 25 centuries.

The historical part of the city is included by UNESCO in the lists of World Heritage Cities. Accommodation in a hotel upon arrival in Bukhara. Lunch in one of the restaurants of the city. After lunch walking tour of architectural monuments of X-XIX centuries, as the main part of the objects of the show is concentrated in the “old part” of the city, which is a pedestrian zone and mottled with narrow medieval streets.

Dinner in one of the restaurants of the city.

08-30 – breakfast at the hotel. 09-00 – continuation of the excursion to the architectural monuments of X-XIX centuries. You will visit the country summer residence of the last Emir of Bukhara – Sitora-i-Mahi-Khasa (“Under the moon and stars”) – XIX-XX centuries, transfer to the mausoleum of Ismail Samani (late IX century, early X century). Lunch in one of the restaurants of the city. Continuation of the excursion to the architectural monuments of X-XIX centuries:

  • Ark fortress – winter residence of Bukhara rulers (I-XX centuries);
  • Bala-hauz mosque (XVIII c., XX c.);
  • Poi-Kalyan ensemble (XII-XVI cc.);
  • trading domes (XV-XVI cc.);
  • Magoki-Attari mosque (XII-XVI cc.);
  • Lyabi-Hauz ensemble (XVI-XVII cc.);

19-00 – dinner in one of the restaurants of the city.

07-30 – breakfast at the hotel.

08-00 – transfer to Bukhara International Airport for the flight departing at 11-25 local time to Moscow.

The “Guaranteed tour to the cities of Uzbekistan” is over.


We vacationed in Uzbekistan with family and friends. We booked a tour through Alsamarkand. We liked everything: both the organization and the prices. The guides were very friendly and patient and answered all our questions. We will definitely return to Uzbekistan and use the services of this company again.


I highly recommend Alsamarkand travel company. They organize unforgettable trips around Uzbekistan. I ordered a tour of Khiva, Bukhara and Samarkand from them for 7 days. The tour was very eventful; we visited all the most interesting places in these cities. Overall, I was very pleased with my trip.

Цена от $590 /человек
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